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Miércoles 12 de Marzo de 2025
+56 32 221 8669
+56 9 9438 3894
+56 9 9258 6147

VALPOVIÑA TURISMO IS A TOUR OPERATOR THAT STARTED ACTIVITIES IN 2001, which is dedicated to the organization of regional, national and international travel with qualified professional personnel, delivering services with quality, seriousness, responsibility and empathy, developing and generating a tourist offer for the receptive market taking into account local communities, fair trade and sustainable tourism.

WE HAVE A FLEET OF OWN VEHICLES with an average age of 5 years, with a rigorous maintenance plan to guarantee availability, safety and comfort to our customers.

FROM THE ADMINISTRATIVE PERSPECTIVE, the company has the appropriate structure to respond to the needs of our customers and stakeholders. Our processes are controlled and monitored permanently allowing excellent management and growth over time.

OUR WORK PHILOSOPHY is to deliver a service that fully meets the expectations of our customers, continuous improvement of products and where the importance of human resources and personal development is a fundamental element, being the quality and efficiency our north. We are a certified operator in Sustainable Tourism seal "S", also the international quality standard in ISO 9001: 2015 and NCH 3067: 2013 for tourism operators in Chile.

The following are our strategic definitions:

I. Vision:

"To be a leading company in the national market, with regional emphasis as local operator - DMC (Destination Management Company). Positioning our products and services in the national and international market and achieving sales growth over time. "

II. Mission:

"VALPOVIÑA TURISMO LIMITADA since 2001 is a DMC company, which is dedicated to the organization of travel with qualified professional staff, delivering services guaranteed with quality, seriousness, responsibility and empathy to serve domestic and foreign tourists.

Since mid-2012 VALPOVIÑA TURISMO LIMITADA began the development and generation of tourist offer for the emissive and receptive market.

III. Quality politics:

VALPOVIÑA Turismo Limitada is dedicated to the organization of national and international travel and has implemented a quality management system integrating the norms ISO 9001: 2015 AND NCh 3067: 2013 committing itself in its performance to:

Satisfy the needs of its customers according to the service offered.
Maintain good relations with our stakeholders through the fulfillment of agreements and requirements.
To have an increasing level of efficiency in the products and services in order to maintain a permanent continuous improvement of the quality standards of the company
Recognize the importance of human resources where personal development is a key element.
Consolidate our commitment to sustainability through the maintenance of the Sello S certification.

Dirección / Address / Endereço

Calle El Bosque 1272, Alto Verde, Placilla, Valparaíso, Chile - Teléfono oficina: +56 32 221 8669
English language 24 hours emergency mobil phone +56 9 9258 6147

Idioma español 24 horas emergencias teléfono celular + 56 9 9438 3894
Email: –
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